Friday, March 14, 2008

Chronic Insomnia - A Sleep Disorder

Recent research has shown that chronic insomnia is on the rise, with approximately 60 million Americans suffering from some form of insomnia every year. Insomnia is just one of the many different types of sleep disorders that plague us while we try to sleep. Chronic insomnia is different from transient insomnia which only lasts a few days. Chronic insomnia can last for months or even years and may be caused by another sleep disorder or it may be a primary disorder in itself.

Insomnia can be caused by many reasons such as poor sleep hygiene or stress and anxiety. What is important is that insomnia can be prevented - you don't have to suffer unnecessarily and lose hours of rest because of this disorder. Insomnia is not the same as poor sleep quality, although the latter can be an important factor.

If untreated, this sleep disorder can be very debilitating and may result in poor concentration, frequent headaches, constant fatigue and irritability. It will reduce the quality of your life and may increase the risk of getting serious illnesses due to a weakened immune system. Our body needs sufficient sleep to repair itself and depriving it of sleep will disrupt it's normal restorative activity.

Fortunately, with the right course of action, chronic insomnia can be eliminated. You may want to take a look at our article that will teach you some steps to fall asleep quickly,which may help you in fighting chronic insomnia.

If chronic insomnia still persists, you may want to consider visiting a sleep specialist, who can diagnose the problem and find the root cause, then recommend appropriate treatments. Do note that many sleeping pills will not help and instead aggravate the problem. Please consult your doctor before starting on any form of sleeping medication.

1 comment:

insomnia said...

Does ambien work from chronic insomnnia?